Welcome to The annual Show

9 - 10.5.2025



An Annual show

The Watch Show Finland

Pohjoismaiden suurin kelloalan tapahtuma
9.–10. toukokuuta 2025

Tervetuloa Pohjoismaiden suurimpaan kelloalan tapahtumaan! Tämä ainutlaatuinen tilaisuus on suunnattu kaikille kelloista kiinnostuneille – olitpa sitten harrastaja tai ammattilainen.

Tapahtumassa pääset tutustumaan uusiin merkkeihin ja vuoden 2025 tuoreimpiin uutuuksiin. Luvassa on rentoa tunnelmaa, unohtumattomia yhteisiä hetkiä ja mahdollisuus verkostoitua muiden kelloharrastajien kanssa.

Nauti kellomaailman parhaista paloista ja jaa intohimosi muiden samanhenkisten kanssa.

Lämpimästi tervetuloa!

“ Show on elämyskeskus, jossa ihmiset ja aika ovat harmonisesti oikealla taajuudella. “ toivottavasti nautitte, terveisin Ville.




The Nordic Countries’ Coolest & Biggest Watch Show
May 9–10, 2025

Join us for an unforgettable celebration of watches and watchmaking! This event is perfect for passionate watch enthusiasts and anyone curious about the art and craftsmanship of horology.

Discover a wide array of watches, meet the people behind the brands, and connect with watchmakers, industry experts, and service professionals. Learn about watchmaking education and explore the latest innovations in the field.

In 2025, we’re bringing you even more brands, a wider range of offerings, and expanded services to make this the best show yet.

Don’t miss this extraordinary occasion to share your love for watches and connect with the community.

We can’t wait to welcome you!

“ Time seems to stand still in this unique environment, allowing visitors to fully appreciate the present moment, hub where people can gather and connect with each other.” Hope you enjoy, cheers Ville


2023 Aftermovie



Olemme iloisia, että tapahtumassa on aina ollut laaja joukko asiantuntijoita, joilla on vahva osaaminen, halu ja intohimo omiin tuotteisiinsa. Tämä yhteisöllisyys ja sitoutuminen ovat tapahtuman keskeisiä voimavaroja, jotka tekevät siitä erityisen ja mieleenpainuvan kokemuksen kaikille osallistujille.

Tutustu ketkä kaikki ovat mukana 2025

2025 osastot tarkentuvat huhtikuussa 2025

Here is a lineup of individuals & brands with exceptional skills, unwavering dedication, and a deep passion for their products and services. Together, we’ll always celebrate this incredible community and its achievements!

Learn 2025 lineup

2025 full list will be updated on April 2025



Following his passion, and in order to preserve this highly prized tradition, Kari Voutilainen established his own business as an independent Artist Watchmaker in the village of Môtiers in 2002.

Kari Voutilainen’s natural gift for perfection, coupled with his broad experience and deep understanding of very high quality, antique, complicated watches, are the quintessential ingredients for innovative creation in the art of watchmaking. Not one to satisfy himself by imagined creations alone, he makes all of his creations himself. He is totally involved in every detail whether technical or aesthetic; like a true artist or sculptor, nothing is left to chance.


Stepan Sarpaneva was born in 1970 to a Finnish family with a long heritage of craftmanship. Son of jewellery designer Pentti Sarpaneva, Stepan was brought up to be a talented designer and craftsman.

Perfectionism, enthusiasm and an infinite passion for watchmaking inspired Sarpaneva to create watches of his own. In 2003 he founded his own company in Helsinki, Finland where he individually handcrafts each watch at the workshop.

High quality combined with unique design ensures that every Sarpaneva watch will last a lifetime.

"As far as my friends are concerned,
I am doing really useless stuff.
And who can blame them?
Why would I do this stupid thing?"

-Stepan Sarpaneva


Great to have Zeitwinkel back with new watches:

Our model 240° represents only the second line of Zeitwinkel watches since we started the brand in 2006. This watch line is available in a range of dial colors, including an elegant medium grey and a stunning black version.


Every Zeitwinkel 240° is powered by our manufacture caliber ZW0102 with German Silver plates, automatic winding and 72 hours power reserve. The beautiful movement contrasts the structured, PVD coated case.



“Always one step ahead of the rest”

This was the vision of, Seiko’s founder, Kintaro Hattori, and it has inspired our company through over a century of watchmaking. An unflagging quest to increase both the precision, utility and beauty of Seiko watches has resulted in many world-firsts.

Seiko does aim to create watches that have a strong emotional appeal and that will enrich the lives of their users. “ Time is to be enjoyed and our aim is to touch people’s hearts worldwide, adding a touch of fun and excitement to their lives”.

This year one will find Seiko in a new position at our Show and with very high offering from Seiko Salon models. The Team Perkko and Kulta-Center is happy to showcase all the novelties and make sure to check the event schedule - there will be something interesting happening at the Seiko booth!




Suvilahti - Kattilahalli


Rakenteeltaan ja arkkitehtuuriltaan kansainvälisestikin merkittävä Suvilahden höyryvoimala valmistui 1909 Helsingin ensimmäiselle varsinaiselle energiantuotantoalueelle.

Se oli yksi merkittävimmistä rakennusprojekteista 1900-luvun alun Helsingissä. Höyryvoimalaitoksen alkuperäinen toiminta päättyi vuonna 1974.

Sörnäisten rantatie 22, 00540 Helsinki

The Nordic countries’ coolest watch event - will be held in an abandoned power plant on the edge of Helsinki. For the two-day Show our venue is Kattilahalli - old factory building.


Sörnäisten rantatie 22, 00540 Helsinki


Love to hear from you

Show sales & marketing please contact

Ville Arzoglou
Vastuullinen tapahtumajärjestäjä
The Watch Show Finland - Suomen kellomessut


Show time

9.5 17.00 - 23.00 ( etkot 16-17 / pre-warming )

10.5 11.00-17.00

Suvilahti - Kattilahalli

Hotel Partner

Our hotel partner is Kämp Collection hotels. Thank you Hotel Haven,Hotel HoBo, Kämp, St George Klaus K and hotel Lilla Roberts for fantastic service - will be back for sure!

“We offer the widest range of first-class hotels, restaurants, and bars in Helsinki. “
