Ciccio - The father of racing shoes


Visit the father of racing shoes - Ciccio - Sicily Céfalu

It was a pure accident that this ever happened, but I blame this on my passion to all quality, sustainable and cool.

We were enjoying a small autumn brake in Sicily when I got into talks with the landlord in our B&B.

I was think out loud about cars and the friendly gentleman said that yes, Targa Florio is passing by the day after - Ferrari with massive cheers….

At this point my better half was like, ok - you had this all planned out. I stated that not at all…

Before the next breakfast I went to my usual brainstorming and kindly asked Jonna if I could ask about this shoemaker…as we have the rental sitting outside, would it be impossible idea to see what it is all about. Jonna hesitated as usual but agreed that sure we can change the beach life into passion for cars - with massive grin on her face - true love I say.

My friend in crime was a man in his place again…When I enquired does he know this Ciccio shoes, he cheered even louder: Ciccio con Céfalu - of course - we can go and meet Francesco before we go and look on Ferraris…

The rest is history and now I have a pair of these unreal shoes - still 100% handmade with traditional ways. Francesco was 86 years old at that time, but sharp as knife and super friendly.

I will always remember this trip, how can the stars be align sometimes - maybe there is good karma - I think so!


Ville Arzoglou